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Official exchange rate of Belarusian ruble at Br4,930 per $1 as from 24 May


The National Bank of the Republic of Belarus has set the official exchange rate of Belarusian ruble against US dollar at Br4,930 per $1 as from 24 May 2011, reads the NBRB website.

The exchange rate of Belarusian ruble against euro is at Br6,914.82 per ?1, against Russian ruble Br173.95 per RUB1. The value of the basket of foreign currencies has been set to Br1,810.02 as from 24 May. The value of Belarusian ruble has been reduced by 71.62% in comparison with 31 December 2010 and by 54.42% in comparison with 23 May.

NBRB representatives said that the new exchange rates of Belarusian ruble had been set on the basis of cross rates of US dollar to other foreign currencies. The relevant decision has been laid down by NBRB board resolution No 188 of 23 May 2011.

The NBRB also said that as from 24 May 2011 exchange rates used for selling, buying and converting foreign currency on the over-the-counter market and the foreign cash market can differ from the NBRB-set official exchange rate by 2% at most. A cross rate calculated using the official exchange rates of Belarusian ruble to relevant currencies should be used for conversion operations.

Trade rules for the Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange are left unchanged.