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Belarus takes part in Vilnius Book Fair

The 9th Vilnius book fair opened in Lithuania on February 21. It features 250 participants from six countries – Lithuania, Belarus, Poland, Slovakia, Great Britain and Italy. Belarus takes part in the fair every year. The Belarusian exposition “Printed editions of the Republic of Belarus” represents different publications by 20 book publishers of Belarus. A Belarusian delegation is headed by First Deputy Information Minister Lilia Ananich. Prime Minister of Lithuania Gediminas Kirkilas, Culture Minister of Lithuania Jonas Jucas, EU commissioner Leonard Orban, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to Lithuania Vladimir Drazhin, who had attended the opening ceremony, visited the Belarusian exposition. They were given a present “Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Encyclopedia in two books” and other popular editions about Belarus.