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Mstislavl Regional Executive Committee
Main / Greeting


Dear visitors and fellow countrymen!

Mstislavl is an ancient town, a peculiar part of the world with its own time, its own historic image. Hidden in the centuries-old depth, it continues existing in the present time. One can take infinite time to penetrate the mystery. But gratitude is the main goal. Gratitude and restoration, revival of the legacy has to be done now.

If you enter a destroyed temple or an ancient dungeon where only pieces of the walls are left, you feel stretched between several dimensions. Truly, despite perilous times these ruins have come to us to silently tell the tale of the past.

People remain there, in those ages. Various people. But their hands have left an immortal impression with the temples, towers and other edifices.

Since the days of old people have been examining their face, trying to understand themselves. Yes, indeed, themselves. There is no present without the past.

It could be said that no other region of the Mogilev oblast has such a rich and glorious history as the Mstislavl region does. We see multiple architectural monuments of the town huddled together in the comparatively small area in Mstislavl’s downtown.

They bear the image of an epoch and its contradictions. The history has preserved silhouettes of the past centuries for us.

You can learn about our region, its deeds and people from the website of the regional executive committee. I’d be glad if our website helps you learn our land closer.

With deep respect