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Mstislavl Regional Executive Committee
Main / Republic
2 August 2011

Belarus to host White Castle knights’ festival 19-21 August

MINSK, 2 August (BelTA) – The 12th White Castle International Knights’ Festival will take place at the Knights’ Castle historical and cultural center in the village of Ostroshitsky Gorodok on 19-21 August, BelTA learnt from the organizers of the event.

“The participants and spectators will be able to step into the most romantic period in the human history, the time of valor and honor, an atmosphere of glittering warrior-hosts and Crusades,” the organizers noted. The program of the festival will embrace knights’ tournaments, a medieval fashion show, archery competitions, a contest of staged fights, buhurts (full-contact medieval fights), and concerts of minstrels and troubadours.

The White Castle boasts its remarkable history and rich traditions that took their start in 1994. Since then the event has been attended by representatives of Russia, Ukraine Poland, Lithuania and other countries.

The festival gathers a great number of re-enactors from the CIS and non-CIS countries, and attracts a lot of spectators and media.

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