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Mstislavl Regional Executive Committee
Main / Republic
27 June 2011

Belarus to host Korean Days of Science 27-28 June

MINSK, 27 June (BelTA) – The Days of Science of the Republic of Korea will be held in Belarus on 27-28 June, BelTA learnt from the press service of the State Science and Technology Committee.

The program of the forum will include an opening ceremony of a Belarusian-Korean Center for Cooperation in Education and Science, a joint sci-tech seminar to discuss cooperation prospects for the two countries in nano and biotechnologies, optics, new materials and IT.

The Korean delegation will comprise representatives of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, the National Research Foundation, scientists and specialists of the Korean universities.

Attending the forum on Belarus’ behalf will be members of the State Science and Technology Committee, the Education Ministry, the Belarusian National Technical University, the Politekhnik technological cluster of the Belarusian National Technical University.

In 2009-2010 Belarusian scientific organizations and universities implemented 14 joint projects jointly with the organizations of the Republic of Korea. In 2010 the amount of foreign currency transferred to the Belarusian universities and scientific organizations alongside the contracts signed with the Republic of Korea totaled $462,000 (in 2009 - $220,500).

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