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Mstislavl Regional Executive Committee
Main / Republic
18 January 2013

Belarus needs closer cooperation with China to continue modernization effort

MINSK, 18 January (BelTA) - Strengthening of cooperation with China is important for modernization of Belarusian enterprises, Andrei Tur, the Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration, Doctor of Economics, said at the Belarusian-Chinese seminar on industrial and sci-tech cooperation in Minsk, BelTA has learned. "Joint industrial and research policy with such a giant of the world economy as China will be very important for us in the coming years in terms of feasibility of the modernization effort underway in Belarus," underscored Andrei Tur.In his view, the seminar participants will exchange experience and identify some tasks and also develop mechanisms and forms of cooperation, which will help enhance the industrial and scientific-technical sectors in Belarus. "It is necessary if we want to become wealthier, more industrialized and competitive in today's world,” Andrei Tur said. He also expressed the hope that the event will be held annually. The major goal of the seminar on industrial and sci-tech cooperation is to strengthen and further develop friendly relations between Belarus and China. It is directly related to considerable intensification of cooperation between the two countries in every sector of the national economy including science and technology, education and culture. The participants of the seminar will take stock of the progress made in different area of cooperation over the past two decades.Partaking in the seminar are representatives of the Embassy of China in Belarus, the Foreign Ministry of Belarus, the State Science and Technology Committee, the National Academy of Sciences, the technological cluster Politekhnik of the Belarusian National Technical University. Among the participants are also specialists of the joint Belarus-China companies, Chinese investment companies, Belarusian establishments of higher education, scientists.


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