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Mstislavl Regional Executive Committee
Main / Republic
6 August 2010

Belarus considering pay rise for teachers, medical workers

MINSK, 6 August (BelTA) – In a meeting with Education Minister Alexander Radkov on 5 August, Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko repeated his demands to increase salaries to education and medical workers, BelTA learnt from the presidential press service. The issue regarding a pay rise for teachers and medical workers is being considered in the government. The head of state was briefed on the ongoing integrated development of the education system, with a priority given to the comprehensive secondary school and its readiness to a new academic year. Alexander Lukashenko believes it is necessary to improve foreign language teaching at school and strengthen physical education of students. Ten new kindergartens and nine schools fitted with all necessary up-to-date equipment are to be opened in the country this year. An estimated Br375 billion has been put in upgrading educational establishments. The Belarusian leader also brought up an issue on personnel training. According to the Education Minister, nearly 40% of the total student body in Belarus chooses manual occupations, almost 30% receive specialized secondary education and 30% - higher education. This is a European index, according to him. At the same time, given a rapid development of the IT area in the country, Belarus needs more qualified specialists in the field. The President instructed to look into the issue and provide necessary training of specialists which are in demand today. Several other issues were also considered. The head of state set forth principal tasks on a balanced and quality development of the education system.


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